Friday, August 04, 2006

Paul Washer on Sermon Audio

I realize it has been a long time since I last posted. I hope this post finds you doing well. This past weekend, I took my new wife to Murray State University (my alma mater) for the first time. It was such a refreshing time; the memories rolled in. We visited all the cool sites, restaraunts, and Hardin Baptist Church. I was baptized at Hardin, and I wanted Jenny to hear some of the preaching and teaching that I was blessed to sit under during my college years. Just listening to Brother Ricky's voice brought encouragement to my soul, as he exposited Galatians 2:20.

During my time at Murray, I was introduced to an array of solid Biblical preachers (God is so gracious!). I am indebted to all of them for being faithful to preach the full counsel of God, holding nothing back. Probably the most powerful expositor of the Word of God I have personally ever listened to is Paul Washer. When this guy speaks, a holy hush comes over the croud; the Spirit moves.

Anyway, back to the point. I was talking with some of my friends over the weekend and they informed me that Paul Washer had the #1 most downloaded sermon at Sermon Audio. I just checked it today, and can now personally confirm it to be true. Though it is not my personal favorite of his, it is still very eye-opening.

One of my friends refers to this sermon simply as, "The Hammer". Enjoy! I would love to read your comments after you hear it.


Blogger Donna S. said...

Good to hear from you, Russ! Hope to see a wedding pic sometime... take care, and congrats!

9:55 AM  
Blogger T said...

Thanks Russ for directing us to this sermon. It was definantly a blessing to listen to the word preached to be broken for sin, joyful in the righteousness God has provided in Christ, and a means to persevere to the end. Thanks man!

9:09 PM  

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